Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Selfish Mothers Give Birth At Home

This post taken down because it is scheduled to be published in CfM news in the near future. Yay! Will put it back up at a later time.


tansy said...

this just pisses me off. i hate the way our country treats childbirth like a disease and anyone trying to get away from that myth is an endangerment to herself and baby.

doctors cannot stand the fact that there are women out there who do not consider them gods. they are the selfish ones, not us.

Laura Lynn said...

Are you able to post this yet? I am a do-it-yourself homebirther and just saw your site. I also homeschool and have 4 children. (I'm in IA)

Love your blog.

Mom of a bunch of great kids... said...

Hi Laura,
I can't re-post publicly yet but I can email you. If you'd like me to send you the piece email me at

Looks like you have a beautiful family!

Thanks so much for your comment.

Shauna :)